Monday 22 October 2012

Study Task 3//Industry Experience

1. What is Industrial Experience
  • A chance to gain some realistic experience in a studio environment.
  • Interacting with a client base on a professional level. 
  • Working amongst other designers working towards the same brief.
  • Seeing through a ongoing project, learning skills along the way and evaluating the outcome in the real world.
  • Learning skills and enhancing old ones.

2. What can you learn from Industrial Experience
  • What path within design in the correct one for me?- After doing some Industrial Experience for a design company it might be decided that that kind of company is not suited to the way I would like to work.
  • I can learn realistically what working for a design company would actually be like. Whether it is working in a studio for a freelance designer or working for an In-House design team. 
  • I will learn how a design team, big or small, work as a team and the way the dynamics work. Equally, I will be able to interact with designers who can give me advice and learn something from.
  • I will definitely learn new skills whether it is software based, printing or learning how to interact with clients. It may just be becoming more confident in my professional self. 
  • After doing Industry Experiences in a few different companies I may start to realise what size of design company would suit my design process best. A small company may be better as it offers a closer team and maybe more one on one designing however a bigger company may be preferred if i'm working with a bigger group of people with lots of different specialisms and offer more varied advice. 

3. What form/format could Industrial Experience take?
  • It could be in the form of a freelance studio, working in a space that is specific to a designer.
  • It could be going to trade events, visiting relavent goings on.
  • Visiting exhibitions that are linked to the company may be a necessity.
  • Going to the printers may be a job that that is given to me, therefore I will need to know what I am doing.
  • Going to an In-House design team for a bigger broader company.    

4. What areas of Industry are you interested in?
  • I would like to take some Industry Experience within an Illustration based design company. I am also obsessed with hand-rendered type, therefore is something I like to incorporate with my illustration based work. 
  • I am also intrigued to see what it would be like working for event promotion, in particularly a surfing or skateboarding brand. Designing posters, flyers and other promotional items working as set is an area I am enthusiastic about. 


  • I'm interested in doing some more hands-on design such as working in a print based studio. It has something I have also been enthusiastic about and have done a bit of creen printing however I think by doing some Industry Experience for a print company I would improve my understanding and skills more rapidly. It would also allow me to work on different stocks and experiment with materials. 

  • I think working for a book design design/publishing company is an area that I would enjoy. This is linked with the illustration but takes the process further. I enjoy layout so doing something like this would improve my skills. 

  • I enjoy working with patterns and applying them onto different medias and formats. I would like to experiment with working with stationary. 

5. What are your concerns about Industrial Experience?
  • Will I be able to perform to a standard that the client is happy with?- The skills that I have now, will they be enough to be effective within a design team.
  • Will I pick the right kind of design company to complete some Industry Experience?-Make sure I don't apply for a company that is not really relevant to my practice. However if I do end up doing something that is not as suited, how do I make the most of it and apply to my work?
  • How do I produce a good standard portfolio? One that will reflect my work well?
  • What do I do if I make a mistake? Having the confidence to voice my opinions and if I need help. 

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