Sunday 25 September 2011

Study Task 1 Why Am I Here - What do I want to Learn?

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this programme

1. The pre-interview task was one of the first of many things that made me feel that the course was right for me. The way the brief was constructed and targeted reassured me that the style in which the course is designed would suit my work ethic. I really appreciated the fact that even though the task itself was quite specific, it still allowed maximum opportunity to show experimentation and display my own style whilst meeting the brief.

2. After being shown around the college and all it had to offer, it became more and more obvious that it was a suitable work environment for me. The studio space in particular, in comparison to other universities I had visited, gave me the confidence that I would have a substantial amount of contact time with the tutors and be immersed in an influential and inspiring atmosphere. 

3.  Another vital factor that influenced my decision in choosing this course was the size, not only of the institution but of the course itself. Coming from a small area I have always been educated in small numbered classes. I feel more comfortable if I can talk and communicate to everyone on the course rather than just a select few. The small group size will give me the ability to do this.

4. I really felt that after completing the pre-interview brief and attending the interview, the course leader and tutors made it clear that the course is particularly good in developing you as a designer and an individual. I even spoke to a few third years who had already confirmed work placements for when they finished the degree. This definitely gave me the confidence that the course would be beneficial in applying graphic design into the real world, with success. 

5. Even though initially It seems scary that the course is intense, I am impressed with the level of commitment and effort the tutors of the course put in. It is reassuring to know that someone will always be available to offer good advice and guidance if you are willing to show you are eager and interested. I think in many ways, the fact that we are expected to go in everyday will definitely improve my way of working. I hope this will keep me motivated over the next three years and give me the support when I need it. 

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on the programme

1. Firstly, I would like to learn to become better at presenting my work in front of people without feeling embarrassed or overwhelmed. I think no matter where I am in three years, it is incredibly important that I can sell myself and my work to a client. 

2. I want to learn how to use design programmes more efficiently. I really enjoy incorporating illustration into my work therefore I am eager to learn how to use different techniques to make the progress quicker and more effective when mixing image and type. 

3. I am eager to broaden my knowledge of graphic design in general. Learning more about designers that have relevance and work that inspires me. I think it is important to have a good understanding of graphic design as a whole whether it is about the industry or just basic skills. 

4. I am looking forward to learning how to create my own unique style as the course goes on. Looking back at my work on art foundation has made me realise just how much work you can produce in one year. I am eager to learn how to handle the workload and the fast paced briefs. 

5. I am eager to learn in depth, new processes such as screen printing and other crafts. I really enjoy that way of working as I find the development and outcome of an idea more rewarding. 

Identify and explain 5 skills that you think are your strengths

1. I feel as though I am quite an organised and punctual person, therefore hopefully I can use this to my advantage when it comes to balancing my workload and planning out a brief. Also, I like to have a routine. By doing this I intend to stay focused and consistent with my work. 

2. I think i'm a good listener, especially when it comes down to group work. I like hearing other peoples perspectives on a brief, even if they take an angle that I would never have thought about. Bouncing of others peoples ideas is a good way of learning something new, therefore when you are asked to work independently you have broader range of ideas in how to attack a brief. 

3. I would like to say that I'm a versatile person when it comes to working. I love working traditionally but am also confident when working more digitally. I think it is good to have mix of medias rather than just focus on one area of design. 

4. I have always loved writing and think I'm quite an elaborate person at times. I think once I get going with an idea I can come up with various detailed ways in which to communicate it. 

5. Whatever I do I always but all my effort into. I am typically a hard-worker, especially when I have motivation from a good working environment. 

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to improve

1. I am eager to improve my presentation skills when it comes to talking about a brief. I am quite a nervous person when it comes to talking infront of groups, especially about my own work. Therefore I am hoping that with practice, overtime I will become more confident with the way I can deliver a presentation. 

2. The actual process I go through to reach a final outcome is something that I'm looking to improve. Being more efficient and taking time think an idea through rather than rush it is definitely a factor that I feel could be changed. 

3. Even though I really enjoy illustration and use it a lot in my work, I am keen to improve my drawing skills even further and the way that I apply to an outcome. 

4. I am looking to improve critiquing my own work and others. I think it is important to be able to analyse and evaluate peoples work to help improve my own understanding and capability. 

5. I need to improve my knowledge of designers. By doing this, hopefully it will help me define what kind of designer I am looking to be and therefore make the right choices when it comes to placements within the industry. 

Identify and explain 5 ways that you will evaluate your progress

1. Consistently keeping up to date with my blogs will be my a primary way of evaluating my process. I'm hoping to see a clear indication of my work improving as the course goes on. 

2. Even though the blogs are the main source in which we present our work, I am still going to keep some sort of a sketchbook/diary as I like working that way. Even if it's just a simple analysis I feel as though it could be beneficial. 

3. I think the asking people around me on my course will be a good way of evaluating my progress. Especially those who are in my blog group.

4. Having a good amount of contact time with the tutors should help me analyse and evaluate how my work is progressing. I think this will be the most productive way as they will be able to give good advice and guidance. 

5. Comparing my work with others during crits and designers that I am inspired by well be a reassuring way in which to indicate whether my work is improving. 

Identify 5 questions that you want to find the answer to

1. How can I gain good work experience that will benefit me? 

2. How can I improve my presentation skills?

3. What will my design style be like in three years time?

4. How can I balance my time to ensure I cope with the workload?

5. How can I use mixed media more effectively? 

5 selling points-personal

5 selling points-as a designer

Sunday 18 September 2011

10 things I want to achieve in this year

1. Learn how to use InDesign and Illustrator confidently. 
2. Be able to get to uni everyday on time, without running. 
3. Manage my workload so that I am not leaving briefs until the last minute to be completed. 
4. Feel confidents with my work when it comes to crits. 
5. Be able to critique my own work and others with valid evaluations. 
6. Be to able to resist going to the cafe across the road everyday. 
7. Not to be shy when put into groups with new people. 
8. Learning how to use a blog efficiently. 
9. To be able to know my way around uni.
10. To make the most out of the studio space and the tutors advice/guidance. 

Group achievements

1. Win a competition
2. Have a strong understanding of the whole CS5 suite.
3. Be happy.
4. Be able to critique my own work.
5. Be proud of the work I produce.
6. Sell a piece of work.
7. Meet new people.
8.Be able to resist going to the cafe across the road.
9. Blog a lot.
10. Get a student house next year, near uni.