Tuesday 21 May 2013

Studio Brief 2//Business cards

Part of the studio two brief is to brand yourself. After branding other designers, designing myself is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am more critical of my own work and want to communicate what design I like as well as design I produce. After much reflection of my work this year, I have decided that I want to make my business cards stand out but at the same time communicate key contact details and be aesthetically appealing.

Firstly I drew out a pattern which is in the illustrative style I enjoy. I have used Gill sans to balance out the illustration. I added the circle to enhance the design however I'm not sure this is effective. 

I decided to swap the circle for the circles for a triangle as this would fit in more with the geometric aesthetic. 

To experiment, I scaled the illustration down and mirrored the image to create a frame around the type and business card. 

I decided to strip back the design to see how it would look. I still think it works however, I like working with colour and want to communicate this. 

This layout combines a few previous designs. The geometric triangles brings colour to the black and white. However, I printed this design as a tester and the illustrations are a bit too small to have any visual impact. 

Here is the final front of the business card. The imagery is one one side which balances out the type. And the stem in the 'A' has been extracted to continue with the geometric theme. The contact information includes phone number, email address and my behance profile. 

The back is simple and just shows the illustrated pattern. 

Here are the cards just printed. They are printed on watercolour paper to give a textured background. On the screen and on a test print, I couldn't decide on which colour I preferred so I printed off both. But I think the colours compliment one another side by side.

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